Recent Recipes
Ingredients Serves 4 Pork mince 300g 4 cloves Garlic diced 1 Shallot diced 2 tbs Dark soya sauce 1 tbs Oyster sauce 1 tsp Fish sauce 1 tbs Soya sauce ½ cup Chicken stock 1 cup beans cut 2″ length (or any green vege like green mustard) ½ tsp Sugar 1 tsp Salt (to taste) […]
Cooking Instruction Cook fresh pasta in 1.5 litre of boling water for 3 minutes. Drain and set aside. If pasta is frozen then boil for 6 minutes, drain and set aside. Put 2tbs oil in large suacepane and add 2tsp of finely chopped garlic. Saute garlic till golden, add choice of thnily sliced meat and […]
Cooking Instruction Cook fresh pasta in 1.5 litre boiling water for 3 minutes. Drain and set aside. If frozen, boil pasta for 6 minutes, drain and set aside Put 2tbs oil in large suacepan and add 2tsp finely diced garlic. Saute garlic till golden, add choice of meat thinly sliced and vegtables; stir fry f0r […]